Ecovolve is a French-Serbian company creator of brands Revolana, Tigil, and Biodom.

Sommeil Revolana logo

All solutions for a healthy and natural bedding

Habillement Tigil logo

Sportswear and accessories made of natural fibers

O nama Biodom logo

Distribution of organic and natural products

For the distribution of our products please contact us in France or in Serbia. For buying, please see the individual sites below.

About Ecovolve

Milena et Lionel Mestre fondateurs d’Ecovolve
Milena and Lionel Mestre founders of Ecovolve

Milena and Lionel Mestre are founders of Ecovolve in France (2012) and in Serbia (2015). Ecovolve manufactures in Serbia all products from the brands Revolana and Tigil. In 2018, Ecovolve created Biodom brand for the distribution of natural and organic products.